MP4 for AIR desktop without licensing?

In the neverending quest for MP4 without licensing woes, there appears to be an (obvious) way to make this happen for 2 more platforms: AIR Windows & Mac, still no way for Flash Player. But dealing with those 2 platforms would mean Flash Player becoming  the last platform with mp4 licensing issues.

The answer is – using the native OS Windows / Mac encoders. This would mean leaving ffmpeg for mp4 (goodbye to “crossplatform” internal code for those 2 platforms). But obviously, getting this to work would mean AIR mp4 native encoding, completely free of any royalties or licensing for H.264 / AAC – which is a higher priority than keeping the code comfortable.

So this will become pretty high priority after stabilizing Android.


New release and website on the way

New FlashyWrappers release (codename 2.3) is taking shape right now. This release will come much sooner compared to the last one, addressing some issues, adding several new features and adding the new Android encoder demo.

There are 2 bigger reasons for this release: The new Android ANE and also brand new FlashyWrappers dedicated website.

As FlashyWrappers is growing as a project and there’s a steady demand for this library, it’s time to give it proper separate space, domain and in time hopefully more stuff (such as support forums). It will also contain a little showcase with the most creative apps FlashyWrappers users are working on / were finished.

If you plan on using local video recording and develop using AIR, you’ll hopefully  continue to find FlashyWrappers useful. Here’s the upcoming changelog for 2.3, keep in mind that it might still change as the release is not finalized yet.

FlashyWrappers 2.3
- !! NEW PLATFORM ADDED: Android(HW) alpha - preview "first look" Android ANE with mp4 hardware accelerated encoding and OpenGL fullscreen capture. This works only on Android 4.3+.
- iOS: Can specify filename for saving the mp4 to the application storage. You will be responsible to erase these files if needed (instead of the default temp filename which is being reused).
- iOS: Fixed mp4 metatags from QuickTime to MPEG4 for better compatibility, it's possible to play the videos on Android now.
- iOS: Changed internal "hijacking" of AIR's OpenGL FBO - switching texture / renderbuffer inside AIR's FBO instead of switching to secondary FBO increases performance and reliability of the whole solution. 
- iOS: Added support for recording from GPU mode in standard / high resolution in addition to Direct mode.
- iOS: Added the option to more precisely influence H264 encoding quality and level.